Food Facts That Parents Should Know

I can't help but explore the overwhelming amount of revealing statistics about America's food industry. In a country so well equipped with new technologies and extreme wealth, we have an incredibly high percentage of Americans who are obese or unhealthy. I constantly ask myself "Why is this happening?!" I mean, I understand why it's happening, but do other people know where we're headed as a country? The proliferation of weight gain in the United States is headed towards a future of epidemic and chronic disease, one that needs dire attention now.

As a total food and nutrition junkie, I've read many books on topics from gut health to chronic illnesses. Let me be the first to say that what you're eating isn't exactly what you think it is. And I 100% don't hate to break the news to you--you deserve to know this! A lot of statistics and facts about the U.S. food industry are often omitted, hard-to-find or just simply kept secret, so I'm here to loop you and your family in on the hard truth. 

I focus my research on children's health because it's hardly often known by parents nor shared by doctors. As someone who's once worked as a live-in nanny, I see firsthand the daily struggles and schedules of working parents. There's hardly enough time in a parent's jam-packed day to read on the latest food research in order to get a perfect meal on the table. That's okay! However, I've found that a lot of families aren't receiving proper nutrition counseling and healthy eating tips for raising a healthy family. So, I'm here to help! Here are some food facts that you should know to protect you and your kids

Parents should know that:

  • 1 in 5 kids in the US are obese or overweight

  • 11% of kids have an ADHD diagnosis (looks small but it's important!)

  • 60% of kids experience chronic headaches

  • Kids are consuming toxic ingredients unless food is grown 100% organic

  • Toxins live in mattresses, hand soaps, sunscreens and antibiotics

  • 40% of American kids have allergies due to this toxin overload

  • Very few doctors are trained to focus on food as medicine or aware of the dangers of certain foods

  • Conventional doctors are not informed of our nation's food industry + supply

Thanks to Dr. Michelle Perro and her book, What's Making Our Children Sick?, I was able to learn way more about the future of our children's health.

What will you do today to better your life and the lives of your children?

Put food first.